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Windows 7 Pro OA LATAM HP Descargar: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre esta versión de Windows


Mi problema es que mi disco duro murio con la imagen de recuperacion de mi windows 7. cuando compre uno nuevo le instale windows 10, sin saber que no habria mas actualizciones para mi mother y su placa de video integrada. Con lo que quisiera volver a mi windows 7 original y poder hacer funcionar mi pc como antes. pero cuando quiero conseguir la imagen ISO original desde la pagina de microsoft me dice que como es una version preinstalada debo recurrir al fabricante. alguien puede ayudarme a conseguir esa imagen?

windows 7 pro oa latam hp descargar

I have an Optiplex 780 and when I use the official tool to get the windows 7 pro oa.iso (I had installed Linux on it and wanted to change it back to windows 7 pro) it says that an image exists but not for my machine what do I do?

I used what they had for tthe Windows 7 Pro X17-5. I have gone hl Microsoft and they tell me that they do not support the version of windows I have witth tke product key as it is supported by the manufacturer, i. That fails but offers a phone numbe to call. Call the number and walk through the manual phone robot activation process. The large print: please read the before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc. The fine print: I do not hhp for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored - questions and answers belong in the forum so that others may benefit. Communities: As was stated, during setup, skip over the lxtam where it asks for a product code. Once setup is complete and Windows is installed, then activate it. I've done this with most recently with a Downloadd certificate product code and it didn't even blink. Just make sure you choose the correct version, Pro, 64, etc. Burn the iso to disk, or put it on a flash drive. 2ff7e9595c

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